
The IWCA Band is open to interested students in 3rd-12th grade.  Cost is $40/month/student.
Band Book Fee is $25/student
Band Practice is held at IWCA each Thursday afternoon from 2:00-2:45 p.m.
Band students are also assigned daily individual practice which they must keep up in order to stay in the band program.

Our concert band program is a wonderful way for students to learn an interesting musical instrument and have fun with friends while developing vital skills in teamwork, discipline, and music ministry.

The IWCA Band performs for various school functions and events throughout the year and also plays on live Christian radio twice per school year. Our band plays traditional Christian songs & hymns. Band instruments include trumpet, saxophone, flute, tuba, trombone, snare drum, clarinet, oboe, bells, and French horn. Students must supply their own instrument and accessories.

IWCA Band students who are eligible to participate in the Student Convention Program also have the opportunity to participate in rigorous music competitions each year.

Local homeschoolers are invited to join our Band program, and they must wear an IWCA uniform and abide by all IWCA rules while participating in band classes and performances. Homeschoolers are NOT eligible to participate in the Student Convention Program competitions with IWCA per convention rules.

For more information about the IWCA Band program, please contact Mrs. Forbes at